Once-A-Day Milking: the Best Breeds of Dairy Cow

After we started milking our herd once a day (OAD), we had so many questions (rightfully so) from so many farmers! From “won’t they get mastitis?” to “how did you make the transition?” and most commonly “what breed of cows can handle this?”.

I must admit, before we started our OAD milking journey, we needed A LOT of encouragement and convincing. We, too, had heard the horror stories of the mastitis cases and significant milk reduction risks. We were really afraid to go for it. But now, we’re so glad we didn’t let our fear hold us back! This change to OAD milking has given us so much life: hours a day back to use at our disposal! Jesse was able to coach Molly’s basketball team this year– something we previously though we’d NEVER have time for.

So let’s get into one of the most asked questions: what breed of cows can handle OAD milking?

Many breeds of cows can handle once-a-day milking, but it’s important to note that the success of once-a-day milking depends on various factors, including the individual cow’s genetics, health, and management practices. In our herd, we have Jersey and Jersey/Holstein cross, which is the only breed we have transitioned to OAD milking.

Here are some dairy cattle breeds that are often considered suitable for once-a-day milking:

  • Jersey: Jersey cows are known for their high butterfat and protein content in their milk. They are generally smaller in size compared to some other dairy breeds, making them well-suited for smaller farms and once-a-day milking.
  • Guernsey: Guernsey cows produce milk with a rich golden color due to their high beta-carotene content. They are adaptable and can thrive on pasture-based systems with less intensive milking schedules.
  • Milking Shorthorn: Milking Shorthorn cows are dual-purpose cattle known for both milk production and meat quality. They can adapt to once-a-day milking but may not be as high-yielding as some specialized dairy breeds.
  • Ayrshire: Ayrshire cows are hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for various management systems, including once-a-day milking. They produce milk with moderate butterfat and protein content.
  • Normande: Normande cattle are known for their ability to produce high-quality milk and meat. They are well-suited for grazing systems and can adapt to once-a-day milking.
  • Dexter: Dexters are a small dual-purpose breed that is easy to manage and adapt to once-a-day milking. They are a good choice for small-scale or homestead dairies.
  • Kerry: Kerry cattle are a small dairy breed that originated in Ireland. They are well-suited for extensive grazing systems and can handle once-a-day milking.


Notably, Holstein is not on this list. As I mentioned, our herd is mostly Jersey/Holstein cross (though generations from the direct Holstein genetics). We do not think Holstein cows are appropriate for OAD milking because of their high production yield. We would not recommend transitioning a herd of Holstein cows to OAD milking.

If you’d like to learn more and find out EVERYTHING we learned about OAD milking, grab our guide today! It’s quick and easy and LOADED with every single answer to any question we had! I think you’ll find it useful 

Keep on farming, friends

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