Let's Make Caramels!

Do any of you remember way back in the beginning of Lane’s End Farm, before the milk sales began, when Jesse and I sold our handmade caramels during the Christmas season of 2019? Each time we make them now, we laugh thinking about how that little humble beginning candy gave us the the fuel to start our creamery.

Before the equipment was installed in the creamery and before our inspection was completed, Buttercup had her calf, Rosie, and began making five or more gallons of milk each day! That was around November 2019, and though we loved all the raw milk and spent time making butter and cheese and SO MUCH WHIPPED CREAM, we decided to start our little farm’s name with handmade sea salt caramels.

Batch after batch after batch of these caramels were made on out little stove–hours of time spent stirring and staring at the candy thermometer. And even more hours cutting, wrapping and handing out these delicious cuties. It was way more work than we bargained for, and much less profit. But you know what? This little candy gave us the confidence to START. You guys bought up all these caramels and complimented us for their perfect texture and delicious sea salt flavor.

It’s so fun to look back at these simple beginnings.

And even more fun to recreate this simple beginning! I’m sharing our recipe today for these super simple (just very time-consuming) sea salted caramels. They take a lot of attention to detail, but even my Molly was able to whip up a batch by herself this year (with a little help for pouring the hot caramel)!

Be sure to liberally oil your parchment before adding the hot caramel so they don’t stick– that’s a mess you DON’T want to deal with (trust me)!


Sea Salt Caramels

1 3/4 cup sugar
1 can evaporated milk
3/4 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tbsp softened/room temperature butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
flaked sea salt, for sprinkling (I LOVE Maldon, its the best)
Oil or cooking spray for liberally spraying parchment-lined dish prior to pouring hot caramel

  • First things first: line a 9×13 pan with parchment then liberally spray with cooking spray or wipe with vegetable/canola oil to keep this hot, sticky caramel from sticking (it’s a necessary step, trust me)!
  • In a medium or large heavy-bottomed pan, heat sugar, evaporated milk, cream, corn syrup until it starts to boil over medium heat. Using a candy thermometer (another must!), bring this mixture to 230F. You must stir constantly, I prefer to use a flat-bottomed wooden spoon to continually stir the bottom of the pan.
  • Once the mixture reaches 230F, add the butter and vanilla (watch! it will bubble up) and stir constantly until the mixture reaches 240F. At this point, you’re going to see the change in the texture and color to a rich, caramel. It’s so satisfying! It feels like it takes so long to get to 240F, but it’s worth the wait for that perfectly chewy texture.
  • Carefully pour the hot caramel into the prepared pan.
  • Wait 15-20 minutes before sprinkling (as much as you desire) with flaked sea salt.
  • Allow to cool completely (at least an hour) before cutting into little squares. I wrap them in individual pieces of parchment, because they make the cutest little old-fashioned candies. And, individually wrapping them keeps them from sticking together!

Store these treats at room temperature or in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks (if they last that long)!

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