Farm Tales: Our Favorite Farm Reads


“We will be the same person five years that we are today except for two things: the people we meet and the books we read.” –Charles Jones

When Jesse and I first journeyed into the ideas of the Microdairy farm model, the internet was mostly crickets. Social media was just beginning and we found TWO you-tube videos to help us on our way. We asked every farmer we knew for contacts and local farm models similar to our goal and found more help in direct contact than internet searches. We were so lucky to travel to a few Microdairies in Pennsylvania to get an idea of creamery construction, but the rest of the model was pieced together from some of our favorite business and farm stories.

I think finding your own path is important, of course, but we are also firm believers that there really is nothing new under the sun, and we might as well build on what others can teach us! This idea brings us to our most influential books in building our farm business. Some aren’t even farm related at all–but small business is small business, so we used principles from financial experts, vegetable farmers, Christmas tree farmers and of course, the small pasture-based farm industry leader–Joel Salatin.

Since we were able to bring our thoughts and dreams to life through these stories, we’d love to share them with you, to help forge your own farm path! And please, please: share your favorite books with us! We’d love the chance to learn more!

Our favorite farm-related business reads:

  • The Market Gardener by John Martin Fortier. This is a handbook, a journal for the small-scale organic vegetable farmer. John Martin has created a complete business teaching his methods of less industrious farming on just a few acres. His ideas changed our minds about farming, and even though he’s vegetable-specific, the lessons of small farming reach to any realm of farming.
  • Your Successful Farm Business: Production, Profit, Pleasure by Joel Salatin. Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley is Joel Salatin’s inspiring, thriving farm proving that small scale farming really can feed America. He uses natural and organic methods and is an industry leader and teacher in the small-scale profitable farm. A must read for any farmer.
  • Total Money Makeover and Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey. Two different books, two resoundingly important principles. Our home’s and business’ financial state have been changed and strengthened by the teachings of Dave Ramsey. Both Biblical and common sense, the concept of only buying what you can afford while investing and building your family’s retirement and savings responsibly has shaped our business from the start. And his newest book, Entreleadership, is a handbook for business owners.

We’d love you to share your favorite or most influential farm reads with us, too!

Happy reading, and keep on farming!

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